I wish I knew that it in the store.
I want to take a baseball bat to it already.
Just shut up already and stop gloating that you did what I told you to do, i.e. dry the clothes.
In hindsight, I seem to recall hearing whisperings of others with musical dryers as well, though this "upgrade" boggles my mind. What function does this serve? Are we trying to calm the masses who may be otherwise upset with their laundry chores by tricking them into thinking that the ice cream truck is coming instead? DOES IT HAVE TO CHIME A LITTLE TOODLEY-TOOT AT ME FOR 10 SOLID SECONDS?!?
You know what would be a valuable upgrade? Drying my sheets better. Let's stick with our intended task, here, Bertha.
It turns out that no easy task is ever easy in this house. Dryers are purty easy to install...in other words, an easy in-and-out task. But when the dryer is wedged into a tight spot behind the washer, things gotta move. Maybe the washing machine was feeling like her time is coming (calm down, Betty Lou...we're keeping you since you do your job). Maybe the installers (both of whom I am monetarily invested in...i.e. the boy and my dad) did us a service in finding a weak spot that could very well have burst at an inopportune time. Whatever the case may be, we have a new set of hoses all ready to be installed on Betty Lou. But she's been rooted to her spot for a decade, and her old hoses not only broke but badliy, and a plumber has been called in the hopes of mitigating the potential damage.
Yes, that's exactly it, you smart person. We need a plumber because we bought a dryer.
Fortunately, we have some highly acommodating
in-laws across town who are more than willing to provide a washing machine for us to use for the coupe of loads that I was saving for the new dryer. So as to stem the spread of grodiness among dirty clothing and towels, we've taken a couple of loads across town. The second load involved a tight schedule and a hail storm.
Again, you hit the nail on the head, wonderful reader of mine. I was caught in a monsoon with half of an umbrella (truly, I tell you...my umbrella situation is pitiful) and a load of wet towels (two of which I promptly dropped back down on the dirty, dirty ground while trying to shove the aforementioned load of wet towels back into my trunk while holding the half of an umbrella in between my chin/cheek and shoulder while the torrents challenged my fortitude and thankfulness) all because we bought a dryer.
At this rate, I may drop a freshly baked pan of gooey chocolate chip cookies in a mud puddle because we bought a dryer. I might have to take out a second mortgage because we bought a dryer. I might accidentally get arrested BECAUSE WE BOUGHT A DRYER.
In the dictionary of my life, should you choose to look up the definition for "adult," it will simply relate this story. Adulting is some weird stuff, people.