Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Flavor of the Day

I really like ice cream, really really really really. But I admit that I'm a bit of an ice cream snob. Why waste your quota of calories on sub-par ice cream? With that theory in mind, I'm going to admit to a somewhat strange addiction. I have Culver's flavor-of-the-day website saved in my favorites, and yes, I visit it. Nearly every day. I rarely go, but it's good to know that the information is there and handy at my fingertips. And, I can drool on the inside and plan my weekends accordingly. Yep. I have done it before.

I just felt like writing about this. I have no quote. I don't feel like searching hard core for a quote about ice cream.


sarahesperanza said...

My patient provided an ice cream quote. That's right. I got your back. :)

Amy said...

what is it?