Thursday, January 15, 2015

Snuggles with the muggles

Remember this little boy?  Leo.  He's every bit as soft as he looks.  He loves belly rubs, sunny spots on the floor and his food.  He generally doesn't like...little people. 

But lately, he's been mellowing.  Or something.  He's almost chums with that person who has a cheeky sense of style beyond my understanding and who likes to hug gorillas.  Obviously, she's an animal lover. The gorilla is positively purring, no?

This little person, however, hereafter called mini me, is still not really his best buddy.  Relationships are nothing if not a work in progress. 

Since I haven't talked about him enough, let me refresh your memory.  Leo is our diabetic furball, and he has recently been given a health report that definitely included the word "perfect."  As in his blood sugar is "perfect."  As in, the few hundred we've thrown his way have truly saved his life.  And he loves us.  Some of us.

Today is day 8 (e-i-g-h-t) of either a 2-hour delay or no-school, and while I certainly appreciate the safety-first approach, it's only the 2nd week of January.  The winter is just starting.  This just bites.

What doesn't bite is that I got to take mini me out for a free lunch yesterday while the others were at school, and I got to take Leo's-new-buddy out for doughnuts & coffee this morning with friends while mini me was at pre-school.  All is well with that scenario. 

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