Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Meandering thoughts

All is going pretty well tonight. Toby is sleeping in a bag. Leo is cuddling with me (not with Ben). I'm pretending to do homework. My laptop is working again. And, I found an interesting book today..."The Pirate Cookbook".

So embarrassing happening of today. It had snowed and iced during the day, which meant that I needed to scrape my windshield before I could drive, which is saying something if you could have seen my windshield into school this morning. Yet, I don't have an ice scraper in my car. Wierd. It used to be there. It's not like I've never needed one before. So I did what any intrepid and inventive teacher would do. I interrupted someone else's class in order to relay my problem and have them solve it. It was hard work too!

Apparantly our garage door froze shut (that's never happened before) Sunday and didn't decide to open again until Sunday afternoon. As soon as I couldn't get my car out, I felt trapped, thus reminding me of my dependence on my freedom. I even went to school to work for a while, partly because I needed to and partly because I needed out of the house! Sad.

Leo is offering his fuzzy white belly up to be rubbed by all of you right now. If there is an all of you.

Alexander the Great was embalmed in honey.

Because we were frozen into our house on Sunday, we didn't get to church. Because we didn't get to church, we didn't drop off the 40 cookies that I had baked Saturday night to take to church Sunday morning. Now I have many cookies. Many. I'm willing to save some for anyone who comes to visit me. :-)

Sugar cookies, half dipped in chocolate. Mmmm.

2nd annual chocolate fest, February 29, 2:45

"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside."
Mark Twain


Megan said...

as of now I am planning on attending the 2nd annual chocolate fest. If all goes well!!!

Sam said...

Save me some cookies! If only I could come visit...