Monday, March 29, 2010

I probably shouldn't blog when I'm in a grumpy mood.

But I'm going to anyway. I've been dwelling on what I should write about next, especially given that it's been some days now since I've written anything.

I could write about how it takes me a week of planning just to paint my toenails.

I could write about how I just really dislike cutting Ben's hair, which doesn't help my grumpy Gus attitude at the moment.

I could write about how I went to bed at 10 and didn't fall asleep until after 1 last night. And since I get up at 5 now, it's tough to lose that chunk of time.

I could write about how I'm already really tired of packing breakfast and lunch for the next day for Abby and me every night when I'm already tired. And this is only starting...years of packing lunches loom in my future. But I also do this after 9 when I'm thinking longingly of my pillow and comforter, and still have to wash my face and brush my teeth and floss and use toner and moisturizer. I hate having to get ready for bed mostly because I never think about it until I'm ready to *be* in bed, whereupon I don't want to wash my face and brush my teeth and floss and use toner and moisturizer.

I could write about how my kids were all acting like hyperactive screeching monkeys today, which will only get worse as the week progresses and Spring Break looms on the horizon.

But instead I'll just write about being grumpy. Out of sorts. Fuzzy around the edges. Slightly perturbed in mind and spirit.

What therapy. I feel infinitely better.

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